I have settled into my semester routine, and it seems to be working just fine for me. Even though I don't have class until 12:30pm Tuesdays/Thursdays and 2pm (now that I dropped the waste of a time psych class) Mondays/Wednesdays, I have meetings and work every morning, so at least I'm not turning into a complete lazy bum. This semester's classes seem very manageable, with the most difficult most likely going to be Cognitive Development in Children. I didn't do so hot in Developmental Psych, and this class has a lot to do with topics covered in that class, but hopefully I'll fare better this time around. One of my classes, Politics of the Media, is going to be very enjoyable for me. It's all about Media's coverage and, in some cases manipulation (cough Fox News cough) of political issues. My professor is kinda dull and harsh when someone brings up a point she doesn't agree with, but the students in my class all are talkative and bring up good points for discussion, such as yesterday when we talked about "what defines stupidity" and whether or not political ignorance is included in that. I argued that it is not, because not everyone cares about politics, or has time to watch CNN or MSNBC. Many disagreed with me, but I think they were just trying to please my teacher, who, as a media and political expert, of course disagreed. Not everyone grew up in a house where political discussions were the norm, such as my house, so how can we define these people as stupid just because they don't know who Robert Gates is, or who the PM of Great Britain is? And no, every student in my class, it is not Gordon Brown. If they don't know who Barack Obama is, then yea, they're stupid, but more in depth stuff can arguably just be lack of interest.
It's the first long weekend of the year coming up, and of course, I am on-call. I normally would have probably gone home, but oh well, one more weekend of watching drunk freshman stumble home!