This will most likely be my last post while I'm in London. How sad is that? I hate the thought that in a week I will be sitting on my ass scratching my eyes out because not only will I be bored to death, Jack's cat Elliot will be living at my dad's, whom I'm extremely allergic to. Awesome. This thought has been surrounding me these past few days, which is why I have yet again switched on tourist mode so I can think back to London while I am in allergy hell.
Since I got back from Dublin, which was beautiful and a great trip, I have been going non-stop. I had my last class last Thursday, which was bittersweet because I really enjoyed my teachers and the class discussions we had about various plays, but I also didn't like the classes when we didn't discuss plays. But now I'm free of academic responsibilities... well I have a final Tuesday but I'm not worried about that. I have now hit every museum that I wanted to besides the National Portrait Gallery, which I thought I went to, but I was in the National Gallery the whole time. Whoops. But I've made time to go to that one, because I have heard it is amazing. Yesterday I went on a tour of Parliament. Holy crap is all I can say. It was amazingly beautiful and has so much history, which is still followed today. For instance, when the Queen opens Parliament (one of her few actual responsibilities), her representative in the House of Lords crosses over the hall to the opposite lying House of Commons to get the members of that house. When he reaches the door, it is promptly slammed in his face. This is to symbolize the fact that the Queen is not allowed in the House of Commons, and dates back to the 1600's when the English government began to move away from monarchy rule. One thing I realized yesterday, is that while the Queen is beloved by all Brits, she is not respected at all in the government. After the tour, Carrie and I returned to a time when King Henry the 8th did have total power when we went to Hampton Court Palace. SOOOO cool. I'm obsessed with Tudor history, so it was awesome for me to walk down the same corridors that this royal family did. What was really cool was how interactive the Palace was- they had a guy dressed up like King Henry, guards walking around, and women in period dresses. I loved it here, it was so beautiful.
Today was not as eventful. We went to the Sunday Up Market on Brick Lane, which was really cool. I only brought 10 pounds with me because my money is dwindling before my eyes, but I did find a really cool present for my cousin and enjoyed some kind of Asian food. I say that because it was served to me by a Chinese woman, but it was called Chicken Curry, but it was served with ramen noodles. It was good, whatever it was, though. After the market we all came back to the flat, and I took a 3 hour nap. Oopsie. This week will be full of more jam packed days of hitting London landmarks, a few more museums, and lots of tears because none of us want to leave. Oh yea, it will also be filled with BARCELONA!!!! I'm so excited for this trip, it is going to be completely stellar!! I'm going with my roommate Jessica and two other flat mates, Hallie and Vinita. I'm expecting getting burnt no matter what precautions I take, but hopefully I can avoid that fate.
Hope everyone is enjoying the last few weeks of summer vacay! I really want to stay in London forever, but I am also excited to see my friends and family, and oddly I'm excited for training for Jones and bonding with that staff. I know I will regret that sentence when I have to wake up at 6:30am everyday for a week straight...
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